7 Prevailing Signs Of The Age Of Fitnah (Trial)
reason behind appointment of Prophets among nations over the course of
earth history by Allah SWT had always been for accomplishment of
essential goals.
These include believing in One God, obeying all of His Messengers and taking life in this world as temporary and prepare for the Judgment Day.
The Holy Prophet ﷺ of the Almighty Lord was sent to be a Role Model in
all matters for entire mankind and till the end of the world.
We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of
good tidings and a warner. But most of the people do not know.” [Quran,
34: 28]
means that Rasulullah was directed to give good news to the believers
in the shape of attaining Jannah (Paradise) and bad news to those who
disobey commandment of the Creator of the universe in the form of
entering Hell.
Although the exact instant of occurrence of Qayamah (the
Last Hour) is only known to Allah SWT but it was important for the
Apostle ﷺ of God to let His Ummah (Followers) know about the time of
great despair and misery in terms of avoidance of Allah`s Instructions
in era near to prevailing of the Last Day.
“As Doomsday approaches, fitnah will increase. It will resemble the increase in darkness as night begins. Many who leave their homes in the morning as Muslims will return home as disbelievers in the evening. While they are Muslims in the evening, they will lose their faith during the night. During such times, staying at home is better than being involved in fitnah. Those who stay aloof are better than those who attack and lead in front. On that day, break your arrows! Leave your weapons! Address everybody with a smiling face and sweet words!” (Abu Dawood)
the above mentioned Saying of Hazrat Muhammad, He has clearly referred
to the ending time of life on planet earth as “Fitnah”, whose literal
meaning in Arabic Language is that of “a state of Trial or Unrest”.
means that it is the point in time which is full of tests and
examinations for the believers whether they remain resolute in these
strict times of apparently looking desolation or they join the enemies
of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ in fighting against the Religion of Peace.
Narrated by Usama bin Zaid (R.A):
Once the Prophet PBUH stood over one of the high buildings of Medina and then said (to the people), “Do you see what I see?” They said, “No.” He said, “I see afflictions falling among your houses as rain drops fall.”
It shows that how much Rasulullah care about His people that HE (PBUH) gave the message to all to get ready for the time of trials and tribulations in the future.
of the major signs (which seem likely as being fulfilled in the present
time) that the Holy Prophet ﷺ told His companions about the age of
Fitnah are described below:
Constructing Buildings Higher Than Mountains
only the West have made the sky high buildings over the last few
decades but the Muslim world have also joined them hands in hands to
show their superiority in wealth and property. These are the signs that
Rasulullah ﷺ talked about:
“Till the People Compete with one another in Constructing High Buildings!” (Bukhari)
the above stated Hadith, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ has indicated about the
present era of nations and common people, as they are striving for
dominance over others by making far above the ground constructions and
buildings? It has been referred as the period of trial by the Holy
Prophet ﷺ which means that it is the time approaching Qayamah.
Music Being a Part of Life
The Messenger of Allah said:
“Music and Musical Instruments will be found in every home.” (Tirmidhi)
age of Fitnah also includes the use of music and musical instruments in
every house, which is very common nowadays as Muslims all over the
world are indulged in listening to this satanic sound.
Division of Muslims Into Different Sects
The Holy Prophet ﷺ referred to the moment in time of checks by saying:
“Trials will Divide the Nation (in to sects) and Safety will be in adhering to the AlJamaa’ah.” (Ibn Maajah)
above mentioned Hadith indicates towards the present era in which
Muslims all over the world are divided on the basis of so called
religious sects by forgetting the Message of Allah SWT and His Apostle
Earthquakes Becoming Common
Hazrat Muhammad is reported to have said:
“Sinking (swallowing) of the Earth, frequent Earth Quakes, flying of Stones with Severe Winds. (Tirmidhi)
means that the current time is the indeed the period of Fitnah for
Muslims that Rasulullah ﷺ referred to, as earthquakes, tornadoes and
floods have become very common now.
Disputing over Small Matters
The Apostle of Allah SWT said:
“Impact of the Tongue is more Harsh than the Impact of the Sword (when people dispute over petty issues).” [Abu Dawood]
has become almost common routine nowadays that people start quarreling
over pity stuff mainly by ill use of tongue, which ultimately leads to
fighting physically. This has been regarded by Rasulullah as the time of
tribulations for Muslims as they are required to make peace among one
Men Disobeying Their Parents
The Holy Prophet ﷺ has been narrated to have said:
“When Man obeys his Wife but disobeys his Mother.” (Tirmidhi)
The previously stated Hadith refers to the present time of Fitnah, as disobedience of parents has become a common thing.
Raising of Voices in Mosques
The Messenger of God said:
“When Voices are raised in the Masjids.” (Tirmidhi)
above mentioned Hadith signals towards the time of Fitnah, when Muslims
will no longer care talking about their own matters in high pitched
voices and this is what is happening now.
short, these are some of the prevailing signs of the age of Fitnah
(Trial) for Muslims that can be observed in the present day and age. May
Allah SWT give us all the true Guidance to become successful through
these times of testing and tribulations! Aameen!
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