Curing Stress With The Help Of Holy Quran
of the contemporary menaces that have been haunting humans across the
world for years and the intensity of which keeps on increasing with
every passing day is Stress. It is the most common disease that is
experienced by people belonging to different regions, different classes,
and different cultural and social settings across the globe.
is primarily a cognitive thing and the more a person is able to control
his or her mind, the better they can combat and cure stress. Thus, if a
person has such a framework available that feeds the right thoughts and
the right approach towards life to the brain, then that person is
surely either to keep stress at bay or if it does happen that person
could combat it effectively.
For a Muslim combating stress is easy because in the form of Quran Allah Almighty has provided a perfect code of life by following which a Muslim can easily keep the stress at bay and live a happy life with minimal tension to the mind.
The lines below discuss how a Muslim can utilize Quran as a means of combating stress.
The Two Ways:
are two ways in which Quran can be utilized as a means of combating and
curing stress. The first one is utilizing Quran for the purpose of
soothing the nerves and the second way is utilizing Quran to live a life
that is stress resistant. The lines below discuss both these ways and a
few tips in fulfilling these ways with effectiveness.
Quran As A Soother:
first benefit of Quran pertaining to curing stress that almost every
Muslim can use is by using Quran as a soother. The words of Quran and
the lyre and musicality that its composition contains all have a
soothing effect and listening to it often keeps the stress at bay and
listening to it in the times of stress helps reduce its effect by
soothing the nerves and causing the spirit of a Muslim to relax.
Pertaining to using Quran as a soother for combating stress, the
following measures should be taken by a Muslim.
Listen To Audio Recitation –
Muslim must make the habit of listening to the recitation of Quran, so
that the day has a specific hour in it when one only experiences the joy
of the words of Quran, which fights stress and tensions and rejuvenates
the human soul. Therefore, begin your day with listening to recitation
of Quran and whenever you find a chance throughout the day, listen to
the recitation on any of your devices that you carry with you.
Memorize Quran –
way in which you can benefit from the stress-curing benefits of Quran
is by memorizing it. When you have memorized Quran, then you can recite
it anytime you want. Thus, whether it is normal leisure time or you are
under some stressed situation, reciting the memorized Quran can help you
get relax and put your mind at ease immediately. Therefore, start by
memorizing the Last 10 Surahs of Quran as a start and then memorize
whatever part seems easy to remember.
Learn Tajweed –
the words of Quran have an effect on the soul, however, when these
words are in the form of a verse, that verse gains a particular lyre and
in order to achieve that lyre it is imperative that the word be
pronounced or recited in the proper way. In this regard, you need to
learn Tajweed to achieve the desired soothing effect. For Tajweed
learning, you can opt for consulting a Quran teacher, an online Quran academy, or learn Tajweed app available for Smartphones.
Quran For Application In Life:
addition to the musicality of Quran that helps sooth the mind and cure
stress, it is the meanings of Quran that can help a Muslim live life in a
way that combats stress and cure it as well. In this regard, a Muslim
can get the meanings out of Quran by learning the translation of Arabic
into his or her particular language. Once that is done, one should try
applying the instructions that Quran has given into life and then see
the life change to a stress-free life. Some of the major verses in Quran
that can help a Muslim create a stress-free lifestyle are as follows.
Life is a Test –
Muslim must realize that all the life and its ups and downs are a test
for a Muslim. the goods of it and the bad all are a test and a Muslim
has to try to remain grateful in the former and steadfast in the latter.
As Allah says in Quran:
sure We will test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in
goods or lives, but give glad tidings to those who are steadfast, who
say when afflicted with calamity: To God we belong and to him is our
return. They are those on who (Descend) blessings from God and mercy and
they are the ones that receive guidance.” (2:155)
is clear from the ayah that those who acknowledge life as a test and in
this test remain steadfast in the different adversities of this life
are the ones who will receive blessings from Allah. Thus, when a person
has such an attitude towards life, it naturally becomes stress free and
whatever stress is present in it gets cured.
Have Faith –
Quran, Allah Almighty describes the condition of the people who do not
have faith, or who do proclaim faith but do not believe in it from their
heart in the following way:
their heart there is a disease and God has increased their disease and
grievous is their penalty because they lie to themselves.” (2:10)
disease that people have in their heart for not believing in Allah,
this disease is increased by Allah by putting themselves in all sorts of
problems, hence the presence of stress in their heart and mind. The way
to combat this is by believing in Allah Almighty. When a Muslim
believes in His power and Supremacy then the heart grows strong in faith
and the more strong it gets the more resilient to faith it becomes.
Acknowledge The Mistakes And Do Good –
factor that causes stress in life is the fact that when we commit some
mistake and then due to the fear of embarrassment or any humiliation we
tend to get worried over the mistake and instead of acknowledging it we
try covering it up by any means possible. In devising such means, we
create more mistakes thus, the cycle of mistakes keeps on piling. The
solution to redeeming from a mistake is to acknowledge that it is
committed and then do some good that brings peace to heart and mind.
Allah says in Quran:
(there are) others who have acknowledged their faults. They mix a
righteous action with another that was bad. It may be that Allah will
relent toward them. Lo! Allah is relenting , merciful.” (9:102)
short, Quran in its both the aforementioned aspects is a solution and a
cure to the menace of stress. If one solution is adopted by a Muslim
well and good, but if both the aspects of Quran are adopted, it
guarantees complete cure from stress.
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